Here you’ll find all of our published issues, a section of articles divided by themes, our students hall of fame and, athlete interviews. Check out our portfolio below and get in touch with us to learn more. Feel free to send us suggestions for future issues. Enjoy!
This section includes all of our published issues. Each issue involves a tremendous amount of work from our team (writers and editors) and we are eager to present to you a collection of those final products. We're so happy with the final outcome of this newsletter and are pleased with the way it managed to reflect exactly what we had envisioned.
In this section, SESO students will be highlighted based on their accomplishments in sports, regardless of age or their affiliation to SESO teams. Check out our list below and get in touch with us if you wish to add someone or have any questions about the information. Contact us through email or instagram.
All of the descriptions and links to our athlete interviews will be found in this section. Not only athletes will be interviewed, but all of the people who play supportive roles in sports as well: doctors, coordinators, coaches, etc. Check out our instagram page (@sideline_sports_newspaper)